Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Focusing on the Lost

In 1 Nephi 8 we have the account of Lehi's vision of the tree of life. A critical part of the story is Laman and Lemuel's decision to not come to the tree. Notice that when he's done telling the story, Lehi focuses on Laman and Lemuel and explains as well as he can why he wants them to keep the commandments.

In fact, it's all Lehi focused on when he finished telling the vision.

36 And it came to pass after my father had spoken all the words of his dream or vision, which were many, he said unto us, because of these things which he saw in a vision, he exceedingly feared for Laman and Lemuel; yea, he feared lest they should be cast off from the presence of the Lord.

37 And he did aexhort them then with all the feeling of a tender parent, that they would hearken to his words, that perhaps the Lord would be merciful to them, and not cast them off; yea, my father did preach unto them.

38 And after he had preached unto them, and also prophesied unto them of many things, he bade them to keep the commandments of the Lord; and he did cease speaking unto them.

It's a good example for us of being a parent. Understand where your kids are spiritually and/or where they're going, and as early as possible work to let them know the right way to go and how to get there. Lehi focused on the lost of his children, not the "safe" children. That's instructive.

Also, earlier in the story we're told that those who heeded the words of the people in the great and spacious building would lose their way.

33 And great was the multitude that did enter into that strange building. And after they did enter into that building they did point the finger of ascorn at me and those that were partaking of the fruit also; but we heeded them not.

34 These are the words of my father: For as many as aheededthem, had fallen away.

It's critical to not be concerned about what we're missing when we're on the path trying to follow the Savior. Also, others will probably make fun of us or try to convince us in so many ways not to follow the Savior and keep the commandments. Do not heed them.

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