Monday, January 30, 2012

1 Nephi 15 - key messages

Quickly wanted to highlight some of the flow of topics in 1 Nephi 15 and 16.

1 Nephi 15
1) How to get revelation
11 Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said?—If ye will not harden your hearts, and aask me in bfaith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you.
2) Discussion on restoration of Israel to the gospel (olive tree)
14 And at that day shall the remnant of our aseed bknow that they are of the house of Israel, and that they are the ccovenant people of the Lord; and then shall they know and dcome to the eknowledgeof their forefathers, and also to the knowledge of the gospel of their Redeemer, which was ministered unto their fathers by him; wherefore, they shall come to the knowledge of their Redeemer and the very points of his doctrine, that they may know how to come unto him and be saved.
3) Explanation of key parts of the dream:
a) tree of life
b) iron rod (word of God)
24 And I said unto them that it was the aword of God; and whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would bhold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the ctemptations and the fiery ddarts of the eadversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction.
c) river of water (great gulf - hell - separating wicked from righteous)
28 And I said unto them that it was an awful agulf, which separated the wicked from the tree of life, and also from the saints of God.

These are fascinating thoughts to make it into the scriptures. How to be guided by God, the restoration of their seed to the gospel (important prophecy, important to understand how God works - over hundreds and thousands of years), key parts of plan of salvation and how to succeed in life.

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