Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Witnesses and Proof of the Resurrection

It's a lot harder to prove something doesn't exist than to prove something does exist. Also, in a court of law, having several witnesses of something is taken as proof that it happened. Using this same standard in religious things, we begin to have very strong proof of Jesus' resurrection. For example, consider this phrase from Acts 2:

32 This Jesus hath God araised up, whereof we all are bwitnesses.

Peter says that all 12 of the Apostles have seen Jesus alive. That's pretty strong proof that it's true. Either that, or they're all liars. However, we know that they were persecuted and lived out their entire lives testifying that it was true. I believe them.

I also believe our current day prophets and apostles. I have felt that their words are true. I trust their character. I know that they know Jesus.

I appreciate knowing that there are witnesses of God and Jesus Christ.

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