Thursday, November 17, 2011

We are witnesses #2

Just yesterday I posted on the idea that the 12 in Jesus' time mentioned being witnesses of his resurrection. This is actually quite formidable proof.

I noticed today that Peter makes the same comment again about Jesus' resurrection: Acts 3:15
15 And killed the aPrince of life, whom God hath braised from the dead; whereof we are cwitnesses.

Today when the 12 speak they often say, "of whom I am a witness". That is a significant phrase. When the 12 in ancient times said it, they meant they knew, no question, that Jesus was alive and that he was the Savior of the World. When the 12 or the 70 say it today, they're really saying the same thing. They know that Jesus lives; they are witnesses.

I hope we all can be witnesses.

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