Sunday, May 22, 2011

Being the Light of the World, having the companionship of the Savior and Accomplishing things

D.C. 103 doesn't seem to be a section that is well known by members of the church (including myself), but I sure was impressed by it yesterday. It touches on various important topics. Here's a summary:

1) We are the salt of the earth as we keep the commandments.

8But inasmuch as they akeep not my commandments, and hearken not to observe all my words, the kingdoms of the world shall prevail against them.

9For they were set to be a alight unto the world, and to be thebsaviors of men;

10And inasmuch as they are not the saviors of men, they are asasalt that has lost its savor, and is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men.

Compare to Matthew 5 where the Savior calls the disciples the salt of the earth. Notice that he then gives many commandments to them including not lusting upon a woman and not being angry with our brethren. Enduring to the end and keeping the commandments help us improve the world; without faithful living, we are not influential and don't help the earth.

2) The children of Israel were accompanied by angels but the church members of our day also benefit from the Savior's presence:

17For ye are the children of Israel, and of the aseed of Abraham, and ye must needs be bled out of cbondage by power, and with a stretched-out arm.

18And as your fathers were aled at the first, even so shall the redemption of Zion be.

19Therefore, let not your hearts faint, for I say not unto you as I said unto your fathers: Mine aangel shall go up before you, but not my bpresence.

20But I say unto you: Mine aangels shall go up before you, and also my bpresence, and in time ye shall cpossess the goodly land.

This is very powerful. I'm not sure how we benefit from the Savior's presence more than the children of Israel in the wilderness, but it likely has to do with our building of temples in abundance and also the Melchizedek Priesthood that exists among our people which holds the keys of communion with the Father and the Savior (see D.C. 107: 19). Those with the priesthood and their families (and I would add those endowed temple members) have rights to the companionship of the Savior, though that is often unseen companionship.

3) Sometimes we're given tasks to do that we won't be able to accomplish because men have freewill:

30It is my will that my servant Parley P. Pratt and my servant Lyman Wight should not return to the land of their brethren, until they have obtained companies to go up unto the land of Zion, by tens, or by twenties, or by fifties, or by an hundred, until they have obtained to the number of five hundred of the astrength of my house.

31Behold this is my will; ask and ye shall receive; but men doanot always do my will.

200 people joined Zion's camp, not 500, and it failed in some ways and was successful in other ways.

3a) Accomplishing things happens with 3 attributes:

36All victory and glory is brought to pass unto you through youradiligence, faithfulness, and bprayers of faith.

This is a very powerful list - diligence (sticking with things and being disciplined), faithfulness (doing things the right way; a faithful spouse is one who is very loyal to the marriage commitment/covenant), and prayers of faith (involving the Lord and asking for his help/guidance) will help us accomplish all things. It's important to involve all 3 of these as we go about accomplishing things in life.

D.C. 103 is a very impressive section about life: keep the commandments to influence the world, God and Christ will be with us, and accomplish things through diligence, faithfulness, and prayers of faith.


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