Thursday, April 14, 2011

Servants of God - going to be a big group someday

The plan of salvation which is really a plan to help us progress is something that clearly continues indefinitely.

This stuck out to me in D.C. 76:

Concerning those who are in the telestial world:

112And they shall be aservants of the Most High; but bwhere God and Christ cdwell they dcannot come, eworlds without end.

Also, those in the telestial world are ministered to by angels (inhabitants of lowest section of the celestial kingdom):

88And also the telestial receive it of the administering of angels who are appointed to minister for them, or who are appointed to be aministering spirits for them; for they shall be bheirs of salvation.

In addition, the other celestial kingdom dwellers minister to the terrestrial.

87And the terrestrial through the aministration of the celestial.

So it appears that everyone has a role in ministering and serving in some way. What struck me most was that the telestial kingdom dwellers are called servants of God. They also have assignments apparently to accomplish things and grow and learn. This surprised me, but perhaps it shouldn't. Why? Because God gets his glory and honor from being honorable and completely intelligent and completely loving. So each kingdom probably works the same way: the reason the terrestrial kingdom doesn't have as much glory and greatness is at least as much due to the fact that the inhabitants of that place aren't as honorable and wise as the inhabitants of the celestial kingdom. If they were, the place would be better. However, it still is somewhat glorious as the people do have a fair amount of goodness.

The telestial kingdom is probably the same. The place is as good as the people are. Therefore, they are doing some good things (as much as they are capable of), and the place has some glory as a result. As servants of God, some good is going on there, and that helps the kingdom have glory.

Have a good day.


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