Saturday, April 23, 2011

D.C. 82 - 2 seminary scripture masteries and 1 verse that may be better

Certain verses are known by church members better than others because they're commonly known or commonly used. Perhaps the biggest reason for some verses to be known by a ton of members is that scripture mastery in seminary teaches 25 from each book of scriptures, and these end up being known better than any other verses (truthfully, it's a bit unfortunate in a couple of cases - all scriptures are good/useful, but I think D.C. 9:7-9 is considerably less applicable to most people than D.C. 50:22).

D.C. 82 has 2 scripture mastery verses (one of the few, if not the only chapter/section that has 2). The thing that is a little funny is that another verse in there is just as good.

Sometimes people think that the commandments are there to restrict you or that they are hurdles you need to cross in order to make it back to heaven. You might think that the law of chastity is some big test/hurdle, and that if you pass that hurdle throughout life, then you're closer to heaven. God's intention has never been to give tests purely for testing's sake. D.C. 82: 8-9 explains this well -

8And again, I say unto you, I give unto you a anew commandment, that you may understand my will concerning you;

9Or, in other words, I give unto you directions how you may aactbefore me, that it may bturn to you for your salvation.

Commandments are directions on how to act so that it may end up benefiting us, resulting in salvation (I would say temporal and eternal.). It's good to have directions from God. I welcome commandments. Much better to have his direction than no direction.

Enjoy Easter Weekend.


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