Monday, April 11, 2011

All are redeemed

The magnificence of the plan of salvation is in part shown by this: Concerning the sons of perdition:

D.C. 76: 38Yea, verily, the only ones who shall anot be redeemed in the due time of the Lord, after the sufferings of his wrath.

Every other person that comes to the earth will be redeemed eventually. That's quite a blessing. It's a pretty great plan in which everyone who follows the Savior by choosing to come to the earth receives a blessing of resurrection and will be redeemed at some point (redeemed in the sense of will be resurrected and I think will not feel any pain for their sins/mistakes at that point although some will be in the telestial and terrestrial kingdoms). The only way that's not true is if you openly reject Jesus Christ in the way similar to how it was done by some in the premortal life - i.e., you know him personally and then reject him.

Everyone is blessed for the good things they do and the people they become, and following Jesus Christ has big rewards.

Continuing on about other people:

39For all the rest shall be abrought forth by the resurrection of the dead, through the btriumph and the glory of the Lamb, who was slain, who was in the bosom of the Father cbefore the worlds were made.

40And this is the agospel, the glad btidings, which the voice out of the heavens bore record unto

It's a great plan of salvation!

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