Thursday, June 21, 2012

Alma 6 - Keeping the church strong

Zarahemla was a place that had a very fragmented church when Alma went to teach them in Alma 5. Here's what he did:
- ordained priests and elders to preside and watch over church (v1)
- added those who repented and were baptized to the church (v2)
- wicked in the church who were not humble had names removed (v3)
- HIGHLIGHTS fact that word of God given liberally to all and all invited to assemble (v5)
- those who were in the church were commanded to pray/fast for those who knew not God (v6); missionary minded church
That's what was critical. Notice the missionary minded point, all invited points are important. Also, v8 mentions how he taught those in Gideon according to the spirit of prophecy, the testimony of Jesus and the revelation of the truth of the word of the fathers. He taught what he knew was true of prophets of old, what he'd learned himself through revelation, and his own testimony of Jesus; critical to know that Jesus would guide in what to teach in order to help others benefit from the Atonement. Jesus has a great interest in this and will guide his leaders in order to help people.

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