Sunday, December 11, 2011

How Merciful the Lord Hath Been

In teaching, we listened to Elder Maxwell's last talk. It is one of the most meaningful talks I've heard for many reasons. Briefly, I'll say this:

The man went through 8 years or so of chemotherapy and radiation. It was essentially 8 years of torture, through which he worked and served. At the end of his life, this talk, his main message was, "how merciful the Lord has been." Interesting that a man whose body was tortured for years would say that God has been wonderfully loving and merciful with him. That makes no sense. And yet, it is true. I believe it's because when God lets you know of his love or reveals himself in any way, it is such a gift. It is so merciful. It makes life okay, even great, no matter what's going on. I appreciate God condescending to be with us, even to love us even though he is God.

I didn't get through that discussion without tears.

Here's a link to the talk.

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