Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Teach your children what they need to know 5 years before they need to know it

I have learned that kids learn so much more quickly than I ever thought they would. It's taught me that helping them learn the important things in life at a very young age is critical.

The president of the children's organization in the church spoke to this topic in October 2010 general conference. Here's her words:

"The world will teach our children if we do not, and children are capable of learning all the world will teach them at a very young age. What we want them to know five years from now needs to be part of our conversation with them today. Teach them in every circumstance; let every dilemma, every consequence, every trial that they may face provide an opportunity to teach them how to hold on to gospel truths."

I agree that 5 years early is probably about the right amount of time to help kids be strong and solid in their thoughts and habits. I appreciate the counsel to plan early what to teach my kids.

Have a great day.

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