Sunday, October 30, 2011

Power of a testimony

We are in a wealthy ward because we live in a wealthy area. Most of the people who have teenagers are wealthy enough to buy a rich home and many also send their kids to nice schools. The result of this along with involved parents who live the gospel is polished kids. They are good speakers and carry themselves well. Today the youth (12-18) presented the Sacrament program. They did a great job. The highlight for me though was the last speaker. He is an 18-year-old boy from Tonga who recently moved to the U.S. His accent is fairly think, but he did a good job preparing his talk.

When I was in the MTC, I heard a story about Brigham Young's conversion. He was listening to two missionaries. One of them was more polished and able to explain the gospel and preach for a significant amount of time. The other man was relatively unlearned. At the end of the first man's speech, the second man got up and simply bore a testimony. I imagine he testified that he knew Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the true Church of Christ was on the earth. Brigham Young said that this man's testimony, accompanied by the Spirit is what helped convince him the church was true. I had a similar experience today. I heard some very polished, talented kids speak of the church. It was nice, however, I was very moved when I heard this Tongan boy with bad English testify that he loved the Book of Mormon and that Thomas Monson is a prophet, and that the church is true. I felt this was true when hearing his words. I appreciate the chance to feel the Spirit thanks to this boy's testimony.

Have a great day.

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