Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Feeding the multitude - Care

In Luke 9 we learn about Jesus feeding thousands of people who had followed him out into the desert to learn from him. It's a remarkable event as the disciples only had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes, but at the end of feeding everyone there were baskets full of food.

I think it's important to remember how this miracle was performed. It had very little to do with food. It had everything to do with caring for the people.

Here's a verse just before the feeding occurs:

11 And the people, when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spake unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing.

Note that he healed those with a need. Then he feeds those with a need for food.
12 And when the day began to wear away, then came the twelve, and said unto him, Send the multitude away, that they may go into the towns and country round about, and lodge, and get victuals: for we are here in a desert place.

When considering the reasons for Jesus performing this miracle, a few stand out.
1) The multitude had a need - they were hungry.
2) The multitude could have eaten somewhere else, but as they had come to Jesus to learn of and be with him, he blessed them with increased faith and with a full stomach; this is important, perhaps Jesus gives us help/miracles as we try to come to him just to make other parts of life easier
3) Jesus cared for them; he cared about all of their needs, not just spiritual

I appreciate the lessons this story gives us. Surely it teaches Jesus had power over elements and could multiply food. Perhaps more importantly though, it shows how much he cared for the people and how willing he was to take care of those that sought after him.

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