Sunday, July 17, 2011

Showing Strength in Tough Situations - Impacts Others Forever; Power of the Aaronic Priesthood

My mom spoke in Church this week in Sunnyside where I grew up. She told the story of a man who I didn't know, although I know his daughter who is now probably about 70. The man had one son and was a Sunday School teacher at church. One day he went sledding with his son and the son was killed. His sled crossed the road and a car hit him. Tragic.

The next day, one of his students was wondering what would happen at church. Would the Sunday School teacher be there? He was, but just with a "slightly sadder smile". That day he taught about the Atonement (Sacrifice, Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ) and what it meant to him. The girl never forgot that lesson.

Sometimes the difficult things in life give the opportunity to show others how much we believe the things that we say we believe. While we would never wish for such difficulty, it is nevertheless impactful when we push through with faith and courage. Eventually that faith and courage will be rewarded.

Mom also mentioned that they've been working with a family for over a year to get them back to church. The family is a good one but has had some trials, such as losing a baby (stillborn) a year ago. The kids have been very receptive, but the parents (especially mom) has not been interested. However, the church continued to show interest.

They came to church today, and the mom spoke with my dad (the current Bishop - local congregational leader). She said that even though many ward members have been over to invite them and help them, the one that really touched her was a few weeks ago the deacon's quorum presidency (12 and 13-year old young men; the presidents come from that age group, they aren't adults.) came by to check on her son and invite him to church. She was touched that such young boys cared about her son.

This story means a lot to me because my dad's family didn't go to church much when he was 14. They had just moved to Oregon and were working on their dairy a lot. As a result, they didn't go to church. However, the presidency of the teacher's quorum, other students attending his middle school, came and invited him to church. He has attended church faithfully since that time.

Power exists in Young Men who hold the priesthood and do their duty, exercising the keys they've been given.

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