Monday, July 11, 2011

Just Keep Teaching

My wife told me a great story last night. She was at a meeting for Sunday School teachers and a friend of ours made the following comment. When he was on his mission, Elder Scott (one of the 12 Apostles in the church) came and spoke to them and also held a Q&A session. One of the missionaries asked the question, "I have heard that roughly 50% of returned missionaries stop actively attending church at some point in life after they return home. I believe the gospel strongly now, but how do I keep from falling away as one of those 50%?"

Pretty good question. Our friend thought that Elder Scott would give a detailed answer outlining how to not fall away. However, the answer was one line: "Just keep teaching."

Interesting. I have learned that teaching brings the Spirit, and the Spirit brings faith. For instance, consider this verse from D.C. 50:

22Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are aedified and brejoicetogether.

The teacher and the learner (when taught by the Spirit) understand the message well and are edified and rejoice (i.e., are happy and learn something new or something that strengthens their faith). Always participating in the gospel by teaching will consistently bring happiness and edification, which makes it unlikely one will ever fall away.

Keep teaching :)

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