Monday, September 19, 2011

Living the Law of Chastity - Gospel Principles

The Law of Chastity can be a very sensitive topic, however, it's also the law that most easily/often leads to members of the church losing their way and their church membership.Therefore, when I was assigned the lesson, I thought speaking more directly rather than less directly was the correct way to go. Also, discussing specific things we need to do better was something I hoped would happen.

The lesson went very well. Great participation. Good thoughts from the quorum members. I was nervous about being so direct, but it worked great.

Here's the email I sent prior to the lesson - a few great quotes here:

Look forward to discussing this topic with you tomorrow. The law of chastity appears to me to be one of the laws of God most often broken in our day by those in and out of the church.

As you know, General authorities teach general principles to the broader church but it is in our smaller, local congregations that we're expected to speak about more specific application of general principles. I hope we can do this tomorrow.

A few thoughts to consider for the lesson tomorrow:

What does the Lord mean from these verses?

“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

“But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Matthew 5:27–28).

What does this phrase from Elder Oaks' 2005 conference talk on pornography mean? What does it teach about what qualifies as pornography?

"And young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying this problem by becoming pornography to some of the men who see you." - Elder Oaks April 2005 Conference

Are you worthy to go to the temple with a pornography habit? Here's something Elder Oaks also mentioned on the topic:

"Some have suggested that pornography should be a separate question in the temple recommend interview. It is already. At least five different questions should elicit a confession and discussion on this subject if the person being interviewed has the spiritual sensitivity and honesty we expect of those who worship in the house of the Lord." - Elder Oaks April 2005 Conference

Are there any guides we can use to help us understand if we may have an issue becoming too involved with a member of the opposite sex? Elder Scott asks two questions in a 2008 conference talk given in priesthood session, but there are certainly others:

"If you are married, are you faithful to your wife mentally as well as physically? Are you loyal to your marriage covenants by never engaging in conversation with another woman that you wouldn’t want your wife to overhear?" - Elder Scott October 2008 Conference

Finally - what blessings lay in store for keeping the law of chastity? Here's one example from the scriptures - Jacob 3:

5 Behold, the Lamanites your brethren, whom ye hate because of their filthiness and the cursing which hath come upon their skins, are more righteous than you; for they have not aforgotten the commandment of the Lord, which was given unto our father—that they should have save it were bone wife, and cconcubines they should have none, and there should not be dwhoredoms committed among them.

6 And now, this commandment they observe to keep; wherefore, because of this observance, in keeping this commandment, the Lord God will not destroy them, but will be amerciful unto them; and one day they shall bbecome a blessed people.

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