Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Race and Religion - Believing those who don't look like you

My wife brought up a good verse to home yesterday that presents an idea that I believe is also taught earlier in the Book of Mormon. 

Throughout time people that looked different or had different backgrounds have lived among each other. However, it's possible that due to technological advances, there's more interracial connections now than any other day. It's also fairly clear that those who don't look the same or have different backgrounds haven't been trusted as much as those who do. 

There's centuries of wars in the Book of Mormon, but one set of wars in a short time frame (several years) gets 20 chapters worth of attention in the book. One important story in that section is about the Stripling Warriors, young men who were originally Lamanites and therefore had a very different background and likely had very different skin color than most of the Nephites. These Lamanites had more faith than any other group, and it was clear God protected them. One lesson we could take from this is that we must not judge a group as one that can't or doesn't have faith or the favor of God. New converts can have more faith than long time members; different races can too. 

This message is repeated in Helaman 14:10. Samuel the Lamanite tells the Nephites that they don't trust him in part because he is a Lamanite. They didn't trust the messenger because of his background. 

 10 And now, because I am a Lamanite, and have spoken unto you the words which the Lord hath commanded me, and because it was hard against you, ye are angry with me and do seek to destroy me, and have acast me out from among you.

This is such a great message for our time. In the Book of Mormon it is made very clear that people of all races can have the Spirit, can be righteous, can teach all of us about God and the Gospel. This message is much more clearly made than it is in the Bible. Perhaps in our day of technology and travel, it's critical for this message to be on the earth in scripture. 

I love it.

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